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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Keeping Me Honest

Happy New Year!

I know it is a little late, but the year still feels fresh although January is almost halfway gone.

On New Year's Day a friend asked me what were my resolutions for 2014. I sensed a bit of disappointment when I admitted that I didn't have any, so I quickly clarified that I have plans for my life, they are just not restricted by the calendar.

2013 started very quietly for me but ended with a bang with the completion of three books for the year, my nomination for the Astrid Lindgren Prize and the adoption of my books for use in the Primary School exit examination.

I am very hopeful for the next few months. Among other things, I hope to complete a new series of books, and complete at least two middle grade novels. I plan to do more editing, book reviewing, and I hope to start or become a part of something big in promoting literacy in the Caribbean. I've already made some strides towards this last goal, by participating in the 2014 Wadadli Pen Challenge and joining the Board of the Children of the Caribbean Foundation.

Why am I telling you all this? Saying these plans out loud in a public forum may increase the likelihood that I make the mammoth push that will be needed to accomplish these goals. I promise to check in at the end of the year to fill you in on how I did.

What are your plans for the near future?


  1. Excellent. Worthy goals but sounds like you will be busy!

  2. I also stopped making the usual resolutions--too depressing to find the same things cropping up every year. I focus on goals, with plans and time frames to make them attainable.

    Hope you attain most of yours!

  3. The twin simple goals of writing (yet again) and self-publishing a novella.

    Addendum to the goal would be selling more books.


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