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Friday, October 7, 2011

Free fiction on Novel Spaces

In the current perplexing publishing climate when authors are urged to utilize all means at their disposal to promote their products, giving away free books is proving to be a solid marketing strategy. According to Motoko Rich of NY Times: "How do you make your book a best seller on the Kindle? The answer: Give copies away."

Ms. Rich observes that although some publishers, notably Penguin, do not give away free books on principle, others including Harlequin, Random House and Scholastic offer free versions of digital books to e-retailers and on author websites. This is purely promotional in intent as the rationale is that doing so creates attention and buzz for the authors. E-retailers like Amazon and Barnes and Noble make no money on these giveaways, but the payoff is that they lure customers to their e-readers - Kindle, Nook et al.

More and more individual authors are embracing the free giveaway in order to increase visibility, increase sales and create goodwill. Of ten authors interviewed in one study, all were "glad they had made their work available for free, and most reported it had increased the reach of their work. Nobody perceived that sales had decreased as a result."

One author, according to the study, reported that his book sales were double the publisher’s initial estimates. Another said that many readers wrote to tell him that they liked his free e-book so much that they bought the paper book. A number of authors from my old house, Dorchester, have published their backlist and new work themselves; making free books available at some point is an important part of their marketing strategy.

Here on Novel Spaces we have dedicated the following dates for free fiction giveaways. These dates are open to group members, guest authors, visiting authors and publishers who would like to increase their reach, visibility and goodwill among readers.

October 30, 2011
December 30, 2011
January 30, 2012 
March 30, 2012 
April 30, 2012
May 30, 2012
June 30, 2012

Several authors may book on the same day: the bigger the giveaway, the bigger the buzz! To participate, leave a comment on this article stating:
  • Your preferred date
  • The title, author and genre of the novel(s)
  • Hard copy or digital
The featured titles will be displayed in the sidebar on the Novel Spaces blog for the month of the giveaway.

Please note that although Novel Spaces will host the giveaways, individual authors whose books are featured on free fiction days will be responsible for contacting winners and either mailing paper books to them or providing guidelines / coupon codes for downloading e-books. So what are we waiting for? Let the giveaways begin!


  1. I've tried a few contests. I need to look more into this.

  2. What a wonderful oportunity!! Thank you.

    My prefered date would be January 30th
    The Novel is Act of Grace. Genre is Fantasy or Contemporary fantasy.
    Hard copy

    Karen Simpson

  3. Excellent, Liane - we must giveaway to receive - you inspired me to post a giveaway on FB today, some extra books I have. Thanks~

  4. Thanks for the promo opp, Liane!

    Preferred date: October 30
    The title, author and genre: HOT FUN IN THE SUMMERTIME by Chicki Brown
    Contemporary women's fiction
    Digital - Kindle copy only

  5. Charles, I think it merits a try.

    Marissa, good luck with your giveaway!

  6. Karen L. Simpson, thank you for participating in the giveaway promotion!

    I've entered you in the roster for January 30. Your cover along with any other giveaway titles for January will be featured in the left sidebar of the blog for that month.

    Wishing you and Act of Grace all the best!

  7. Chicki, congrats on your double win at Shades of Romance Magazine!

    You're on for October 30, and your cover will remain at the top of the blog until the end of this month.

    Thank you for participating!

  8. Um, correction, Karen. The cover will be featured in the right sidebar.

  9. I was going to post on Facebook about the October giveaway for Chicki's book, but I couldn't figure where one should go to enter. Clicking the book cover took me to Amazon.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Great idea, Liane. Thanks for coming up with it!

    Put me down for the March 30th giveaway. Prize - A copy of
    A Darker Shade of Midnight. The winner can choose the format!

  12. Great idea Liane. Put me for Nov 30th. The book is "Holiday Brides" and is available in paperback just in time for the holidays. I also want to give away "A Marriage of Convenience" on the same day, and/or Dec 30th, also in paperback.

  13. Shauna, I deleted my previous comment to update the giveaway info.

    Visitors can enter by going to the Giveaways page and leaving a comment at any time during the month. The winner will be announced on the giveaway date at the end of the month.

  14. Lynn, you're welcome! I've added Midnight to the lineup for March 30. Thank you for participating!

  15. oops! Just realized there is no November 30th date, so I guess its Oct 30 and Dec 30th.

  16. Wonderful! Thank you!

    Please put me on for October 30th

    Texas Twilight by Caroline Fyffe
    Western Historical Romance


  17. Caroline, thank you for participating! I've added you to the October 30 lineup.

  18. Please put me down for October 30th.

    Tastes of Love & Evil by Barbara Monajem

    Paperback or Kindle -- the winner can choose which!

  19. Hi Barbara! So happy to see Lollies participating!

    November is still open but there's a caveat; there won't be a post on the 30th of that month to announce the winner(s) because of a longstanding guest booking on that date. The winner(s) will be announced on the giveaways page/thread only. If this is not a problem please let me know and I'll schedule you then.

  20. Duh. I forgot to mention the genre. Tastes of Love & Evil is a paranormal romance.

  21. Actually, I was wondering if a novella would be eligible for a giveaway. I have a recent short e-novella in the Harlequin Undone line and will have another in January. If it's eligible, I'd like to give one away in November, and still have an October slot for Tastes of Love & Evil... Otherwise, Tastes could be moved to November. Let me know. Thanks!

  22. Barbara, I've added Tastes to the October lineup; the cover is now on the sidebar and also on the giveaways page.

    Novellas are eligible, so let me know the title and I'll add it to the November freebies. Thank you!

  23. November 30

    The Wanton Governess by Barbara Monajem

    Regency Romance Novella

    Kindle e-book only

  24. Got it, Barbara. I've added Wanton to the giveaways page for 30th November.

    Best of luck!

  25. October 30th for me, please - Hot Girlz - thanks, Liane! :)

  26. Hey Liane! Any date that looks a little light is okay by me. :)

    The Check Your Luck Agency by Cara d'Bastian, Urban Fantasy

    Digital, various formats available.

  27. Marissa will do. Is Girlz mainstream or erotica? And will your giveaway be hard copy or digital?

  28. Kaz! Howdy lady?

    Will add you to the lineup. When is your launch? We can time the giveaway to coincide.

    Thank you for participating!

  29. Jewel, you've been added: HB in November and AMOC in December.

  30. Hi Liane - Girlz is mainstream - trade paperback - thanks!! ::))

  31. Kaz Augustin, you thought I'd forgotten you, huh? Well, I didn't.

    I've slotted The Check Your Luck Agency for the January giveaway. If you'd prefer to shift forward or back just let me know.

  32. Hello Liane,
    I'd like participate in the giveaway - perhaps on June 30th 2012 when I know my book will be on Amazon for other readers.
    Novel: 'The Divorced Lady's Companion to Living in Italy'
    Genre: romantic comedy/women's commercial, hard copy

    I can't wait to get this book moving!
    Ciao ciao catherine

  33. Buon giorno, Catherine! I'll enter "Companion" in the giveaway schedule for June 30. Please e-mail me the cover as soon as you have it - and thank you for participating!

  34. Catherine! Just started going through my mail and saw you already sent the cover. Thank you!


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