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Friday, April 5, 2013

Young Author: Alexis J.

Hello people of Novel Spaces! I'm young author Alexis J., here to offer a tip to the young writers out there. It's a tip about something that has happened to me.
Last year, I wrote a book called Bailey and the Bully, and after I wrote it I was thinking of making a whole series of books about middle-school issues, like cheating, lying, all of that good stuff. But then it seemed as though from out of nowhere, a new character just moved into my brain! It was like she was saying ‘Write about my life!’ repeatedly. Her name is Ty and she’s a . . . spy! I simply had to write about her because she was bugging me day and night. But if I wrote about her, that meant I would have to put my series on hold . . . and you know what, that’s ok. I think the main thing is to have fun, and just write.
The point is, if you were planning to write about something and something else just moved into your head, like what happened to me, by all means, let your muse have at the new one. The characters in your brain are waiting for their lives to happen and when they're ready, they're usually the loudest, so get them while they're talking. That other series of books just might have to wait a little longer for their birth date to arrive. And it will, just be patient. I know I am.
So please, young writers, take my advice, take it . . . and roll with it, run with it, sing with it, do whatever you need to, so you know what to do when it happens to you. Write it!
Thanks for giving me your time and for letting me be a guest on Novel Spaces. Have a great rest of the day! I'd better get back . . . Ty the spy is calling me!
-Alexis J.


  1. Enjoyed your post, Alexis. Keep on writing!

  2. Good to recall the "fun" of it all. Great post.

  3. Thank you William and Charles for your replies. Very kind of you!

  4. Welcome to Novel Spaces, Alexis! Enjoyed your guest post--so good to see such enthusiasm for writing. Our craft is in good hands. :)

  5. Good advice. Here's to many more characters and many more books from your pen.

  6. Thanks Liane and Carol - appreciate your comments, ladies!!


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