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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Guest Post - Jaime L. Lincoln, freelance editor

The Simplicity of Writing

Jaime L. Lincoln
I’ve loved to read, for as long as I can remember.  My love has been encouraged by my mother, other family members and several teachers throughout the years.  I didn’t learn how to read in the traditional way.  My mother was concerned, that I was only able to make sounds of letters and not recognizing or forming complete words once I finished kindergarten.  As the concerned parent she is and always has been, she called my grandmother, who, at the time, was an elementary school teacher.  My grandmother became concerned too and, together, they devised a reading plan for me.  This reading plan was conducted long distance about thirty years ago. At the time, we lived several miles apart from each other.  Nevertheless, the plan was made and put into practise.   

After several weeks of intense flash card therapy, I began to read and have enjoyed it ever since.  I enjoy becoming a part of the story and being transported to different worlds.  It was later that I would learn more about the connection between the craft of writing and reading.

Of course, I had completed writing assignments and learned the difference between a noun and verb and had also learned the proper structure of a sentence.  I was taught the key components of writing early; from the introduction, to the plot, to the conclusion and how important character development is.  While learning all this, I didn’t completely understand the connection between writing and reading until my later school years.  It honestly never occurred to me how the stories I loved to read became those stories.   Or how the things I was learning about writing, were essentially the same things the authors had learned and used to keep me engrossed in their stories.  My understanding of the craft of writing intensified during these years.  It is a craft that can seem complete, yet its simplistic nature is often complicated.  I began to write and the more I wrote the better I became.   Surprisingly, my enjoyment of writing was more than I bargained for. 

My confidence level was high, but as my confidence grew my writing remained at the same level.  It turned out I was doing the bare minimum to get by and writing what needed to be done to obtain a passing grade on the assignments given.   If it hadn’t been for a dedicated teacher, taking the time to teach me some key elements, I believe my writing wouldn’t have improved.  She noticed my lack of taking my writing to the next level.   She taught me about a few components I still use to this very day.  The key component she taught me was to never assume the reader knows what you are conveying; it is your job as the writer to inform them of every possible aspect.   This is achieved by giving as many descriptive details as you can without revealing everything.  These principles have become a foundation and can be quite resourceful, not only when I’m writing but also when I’m working on editing projects. The key is to know the delicate balance of achieving this goal.  It takes quite a bit of practice and patience to achieve this.  

Writing can be a pleasure, instead of the overwhelming fear that has seemed to plague its reputation.  I believe once the fear has subsided and the simplicity is embraced the process can flow smoothly; especially if those key components are applied to the process.  Since my non-traditional introduction to the world of reading and writing, I’ve been in constant awe of the process.  It is because of this, I often encourage others, which include my clients about how easy the process can be and I will continue to do so.


Jaime L. Lincoln was born and raised in St. Louis, MO and currently still resides there.  She has always had a passion for reading.  The writing bug bit her later in life and she’s been able to enjoy both.  She followed her dream and launched her editing business in May 2012.  For details and contact information, please visit her blog at


  1. Great Article.. Jaime you are wonderful. Much success is in your future

  2. I definitely would like to convey that writing "as a pleasure" to my students. I don't know how well I do it. I try.

  3. Jamie, best of wishes for a successful editing and writing career.

  4. Thank you, for the comments and encouragement! I'm truly appreciative and it means a lot.

    @Charles, keep up the hard fight. Even it's a handful or one, that it sinks in with, that's a plus. The more we sound it, hopefully the more it will sink in ;)

  5. Awesome post! Much success to you, Jaime!

  6. Welcome to Novel Spaces, Jaime! I taught my son to read using a variation of the flash card method and he was fluent at three years old.

  7. Maybe I should say, reading fluently from the Ladybird books I bought him!

  8. @Liane
    Thank you, for the warm welcome!

    That's awesome!! It's one of the few things, no one can take away from him. How old is he now??

  9. It's our pleasure, Jaime!

    He's now 29. A friend lent me a book called "Teach Your Baby to Read" or something like that. I turned the method into a night time game and voila! He was reading. I never had to teach him a word twice. It was an awesome experience.


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