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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Guest Blogger LaShaunda Hoffman - Are Your Social Media Platforms Ready For Promotion?

Greetings! Our guest blogger for today, standing in for me this month, is LaShaunda Hoffman. I've known LaShaunda for many years and while she initially was introduced to me as the owner of the online magazine, Shades of Romance - SOR, she now wears not only the hat of a magazine publisher, but she is also a literary advocate and author, whose mission is to help promote writers by introducing them to readers. And so I introduce to you, LaShaunda Hoffman. Her information on social media promotion is very timely in this day and age. 

Are your social media platforms ready for promotion?

When I stop by some writer social media pages, they don’t look like a writer’s page.  Most don’t showcase their writing or their books.  How will a reader know you are a writer?

Most writers are on social media, but they aren't doing much promotion because they don't want to overwhelm their readers with promotion.  However if you don't promote you aren't selling books.

Below are a few questions to answer to see if your social media platforms are ready for you to promote on them.
  • Are you using a book cover or your picture as your profile picture?
  • Do you have a FB cover, Twitter Header page that is geared toward your books or writing?
  • Can your audience tell what you write from your platform pages?
  • Can your audience contact you from your platform pages?
  • If you have a website, is the link included on your platform pages?
  • Do you have a link to join your mailing list?
  • Do you have a call to action on your platform pages?
  • Do your social media platforms show you as an expert in your field?
  • Are your social media platforms updated daily with fresh content?
  • Do you share what your books are about?
  • Do you engage with your audience when they leave comments?
  • Are you building relationships on your platforms?
If you answered yes to all these questions, your social media platforms are ready for you and your promotion.

If you answered no to a few of them, it is time for you to sit down and update your social media platforms.

You want your social media platforms to showcase the best image of you and your books. You want your audience to know what your books are all about, that you know what you're talking about, how to get in contact with you and where to purchase your books if they're ready to buy.

Social media is a great place to promote your books.  If you're not putting your best effort forward you will sabotage your promotion.

Promotion is all about staying consistent. You can download your copy of the Promotion Kit checklist to see if you are ready to stay consistent with your promotion. Link to Promotion Kit Checklist

Bio: LaShaunda Hoffman is a online promotion strategist.  She teaches writers and business owners how to be consistent with their promotion by helping them create an actionable promotion plan to build online relationships.  She published her first book Building Online Relationships - One Reader At A Time.  You can find her online at -  


  1. Thank you Novel Spaces and Marissa for the opportunity to share today. If you have any promotion challenges, leave your top one in the comments and I'll stop by and see if I can help you with a tip or suggestion.


  2. Welcome, LaShaunda! This is great info. Thank you so much.

  3. Hello, LaShaunda! Thank you for this 'course' in online social media promotion. I see a few areas that I need to work on!

  4. Thanks Jackie and Jeanette for stopping by.

  5. Interesting post. I see where some authors have a "promotion package" right on their websites. I think that's to have it available for other sources they might get to promote their work. Smart to make it easily accessible for others to use. That's just a minor part of what you're talking about here. I have a lot yet to learn in this area.

  6. I am definitely one of those authors who is concerned about overwhelming readers with promotion. I can do it for other people but I hesitate when it comes to me--go figure. This information is useful. Thanks!

  7. Thank you La Shaunda for this post. I have been procrastinating about getting my website in tuned for too long now. I have come to rely on Faceook, and it has worked for me in a big way. I have self-published and so must self-promote. I have used FB to the max, and like Carol, I sometimes get concerned that I am getting in people's faces too much, but I do anyway! I have to. I have also been wanting to sort out my website so when I post, it appears on my other social media platforms- so they are all connected, but I am not that technical kind of person and cannot afford it at this point. So that would be something I would welcome some help with.
    Adding fresh content is another matter. Consistency is the key, so I guess I need to find it.
    Thanks again for sharing.


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