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Friday, March 21, 2014

Give Me the Night

This post is not about my preference for the late hours, though they don't call me The Owl around here for nothing. Five years after Café au Lait hit the shelves, another novel bearing the Liane Spicer brand is about to be released on an unsuspecting reading public.

Why the long gap, you may well ask. All I'll say in my defense is that I haven't exactly been idle. In the interim I've put ten titles in the Kindle stores, in various genres and under various pen names. I've had one short story published in a literary journal and my little collection of similar short stories is growing slowly but surely; three are ready for submission. I've also racked up a few other achievements, both literary and non-literary, that I'll share some other time.

But this, this Give Me the Night, this complicated second child—oops, novel—was the option book with my first publisher, Dorchester. It got stuck in the infamous meltdown and disappearance of that house, just for starters. It has also been a victim of my inaction and indecision, hesitation and procrastination, distraction and much else, but here it is at last, ready to try out its fledgling wings.

In stores March 23. Wish it well. :)


  1. Well wishes sent. Sounds like a good one. Sometimes the children that take the longest to get born are the best.

  2. Congratulations Liane! Looking forward to acquiring a copy.


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