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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Baby it's cold outside

Just coming off the Christmas, I can’t tell you how many times I heard the song, “Baby It’s cold outside”.  While Christmas wasn’t very cold in my neck of the woods, right now it is.  It’s not the “Polar Vortex” that we experienced two weeks ago, but the temperatures are pretty near there.  This morning when I woke up the thermometer read 5 degrees Fahrenheit, tonight it read 12.  Brrrrr!  And of course to top it off, it snowed on Tuesday and that snow is not melting.  So of course schools close (they do that for even a dusting) and I’m stuck at home with a bunch of restless kids.

What to do, what to do?  Playing in the snow has lost all appeal.  If it was around 32 degrees without the wind chill I’d consider it.  Preparing for the spring semester (which I have to do) is next to impossible because of the distraction.  So when I realized for the second day in a row we would be stuck at home, I tried to plan things to do outside of the house.  But when I opened the door and that cold wind struck me and all I could think of was that song “Baby it’s cold outside.”  Of course any plan of leaving the house was quickly discarded.

So we did a little homeschooling.  I first let them do some exercising with me, got them nice and tired.  Then I gave them school work which took up quite a bit of time.  And what did I do during that little downtime?  I wrote.  Ain’t nothing like a cold day to get some writing done.   Yes, I hunkered down with my hot chocolate and blanket draped around me and I tapped away at the computer because “Baby it’s cold outside.”


  1. Ha ha ha! I particularly like the part about getting them nice and tired. Good job!

  2. I don't like the cold as well! Brittle boned!

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  3. I hear you Andrew. This weather is Crraaaazy! Monday it was fifty degrees Fahrenheit, yesterday 5. Now today its 5 and it is midday.

  4. Liane, a complicit child is a tired child. I wish I was in the Caribbean now though. Tried to drive today and there is a clump of ice in my driveway that had me revving and revving and going nowhere.

  5. Been pretty good here though we're getting some cold tonight.

  6. Oh I so envy you, Charles. Can't wait till spring.


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