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Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Sneak Peek

I'm going to let you all in on a little secret. The fourth book in the Caribbean Adventure Series has been approved and released. Why is it a secret? Mainly because I have not yet launched my mind-blowing, record selling marketing campaign. At least I hope so. The 'real' truth is that the arrival of the proof came at a time when I was working towards a number of deadlines, writing and otherwise.

This book, aimed at children 7-10, is set in Montserrat and features the adventures of Mark, Kyle and the infamous Chee Chee. It starts off in St. Kitts, but quickly takes a turn from the ordinary when Mark and Kyle travel into the past to the island of Montserrat where, with Chee Chee's help, they must try to save the Carib people from being destroyed by a volcanic eruption.

Fury is the first book that I have written without actually having visited the place in which it is set. When I wrote Pirates at Port Royal, it was very important for me to see the Port Royal, Jamaica so that I could understand what the boys would have experienced when they arrived there in the present day. However, since the scenes in Fury that feature Montserrat are all set in the past, I felt that I could release the book without the visit.

Some of you may know, and some may have just googled and found out that Montserrat is a small island in the Caribbean which experienced a catastrophic volcanic eruption about 16 years ago. In this book, I wanted to capture the hopefulness and resilience that a strong people can find in themselves when faced with a disastrous event. It took me over a year to capture this and I am very happy with the end product.

Fury is available in paperback and kindle, so take a read and let me know what you think.


  1. Sure hope your promotional stuff works! I posted today about how several things I've tried have not been successful.

  2. Best to you on this book-- sounds so fun!

  3. Thanks Charles, I will take a look at your posts so I can cross somethings off of my list ;-)

    Thanks Julie.

  4. Best of luck with Fury, Carol. I too am going to look at Charles' post.

  5. Sign me up for a copy! Congratulations Carol. I enjoyed (well my daughter is the "supposed" reader though I couldn't help myself) the last three stories. I have no doubt it will be another hit.

  6. Thanks or the support. I look forward to hearing how your children like it!


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