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Sunday, October 30, 2011

October giveaways

We're giving away four titles on Novel Spaces this month. To enter, leave a comment on this post indicating which book(s) you're interested in, or alternatively you may leave a comment on our Giveaways! page. Good luck!

October Giveaways

Hot Fun in the Summertime by Chicki Brown (Contemporary women's fiction. Digital - Kindle copy only)
Texas Twilight by Caroline Fyffe (Western historical romance. Digital.)
Tastes of Love and Evil by Barbara Monajem (Paranormal romance. Digital or paperback.)
Hot Girlz by Marissa Monteilh (Mainstream. Trade paperback.)



  1. So hard to choose! I have yet to read a paranormal romance so, I would love to read Tastes of Love and Evil by Barbara Monajem. Crossing my fingers!!!

  2. Thank you for entering our October giveaway, Bmore! Tastes of Love and Evil is the most requested book so far. Good luck!

  3. I'd have to pick Texas Twilight. I love that time period!

  4. Thank you for entering the October giveaway on Novel Spaces! I've combined comments on the Giveaways! page with those on the October Giveaways post in order to choose the winners. See comments below for results.

  5. Yolanda is the winner of a Kindle copy of Hot Fun in the Summertime by Chicki Brown. Yolanda, please send me your e-mail address [lianespicer at gmail] so I can pass it on to Chicki.

  6. DeeLuLu is the winner of Tastes of Love & Evil by Barbara Monajem! DeeLuLu, I'll pass your contact info to Barbara and she'll contact you shortly. When she does please let her know if you prefer a paperback or digital copy.

  7. Rebecca, you've won yourself a digital copy of Texas Twilight by Caroline Fyffe! I'll pass your contact info to Caroline and she'll contact you about your prize.

  8. La Sheera, a trade paperback copy of Marissa Monteilh's Hot Girlz is yours! Please leave your contact info in a comment or e-mail it to me [my address is above] so Marissa can contact you about your prize.

  9. Congratulations, winners! To those who didn't win, there's always next month's giveaway. Good luck next time!


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