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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Kindle, Nook, iPad, etc.

Just when I was adapting to my second Kindle, Amazon has introduced yet another today.

Kindle Fire is described as "beautiful full color Kindle for movies, TV shows, music, books, magazines, apps, games, web browsing and more, for only $199."

I must admit that I am intrigued and will likely shell out the money to get the latest Kindle. I suppose, like many others out there, I subscribe to the old adage, "the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement."

And so, staying current, I will have to add Kindle Fire to the latest Nook and iPad, which I also have.

As an avid reader and music lover, I love these handy devices that make what used to be a chore now as easy as pie, costs aside.

No more hauling big books, thick newspapers, magazines, and a batch of CDs around. Now I just go the digital download route and enjoy.

That said, I still feel a little like being ripped off by those who continue to come out with these new and improved eReaders and other devices. Yet, these are signs of the times, so...

Also, as a writer, I fully embrace every advancement in digital technology, as it means more and more readers come aboard, including audio novel readers. Meaning more readers to discover my writings in eBook and audio formats.
Bottom line, is what's good for one is good for all, ultimately.

Which eReader do you use? Which one is the best?

Do you plan to buy the Kindle Fire?


  1. I do not yet own an e-reader or tablet. My e-books download on my Blackberry Torch via a free app. Now that said, it should not be a surprise when I say, I don't see the point of owning an IPad, a Kindle, and Nook at the same time. Why not just get a tablet or e-reader that can support all platforms and (for those of us who like to write all over) perform word processing or other computer functions?

    When you travel, do you pack your IPAd, Kindle, Nook, laptop computer, and smartphone all with you? If so be the case, you may as well drag along five books, a Nintendo DS, and a laptop.

    I hope this doesn't sound snide, but I think the manufacturers are constantly changing the readers to milk more money out of the consumers. Just a thought...

  2. Not sure about the Fire. I might. But I get along pretty well with my orginal kindle.

  3. When I read e-books I use the free Kindle app on my laptop. And no, no plans to buy Kindle Fire or anything like it.


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