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Saturday, February 12, 2011


Another Valentine's Day comes our way tomorrow...

What's a busy writer to do to show his loving and loyal wife that SHE is more important than all his writings, revisions, deadlines, book signings, conferences, conventions, speaking engagements, editor and agent consultations, and other demands of the job, I ask you???

Well, this author for one will push the pause button on the all consuming world of a prolific writer and dedicate the entire day to the lady who still causes my heart to skip a beat years after we said: "I do."

Now comes the hard part -- making sure it is a day to remember and not just a routine Valentine's Day of the expected roses and dinner out on the town. Let's see... what might show her that beneath the writer shell that I have carefully nurtured over the years (with her help, I might add) I am the same loving, hopelessly devoted husband on this special day of romance that's there throughout the year, albeit in less dramatic ways...?

After giving it some long and clever thought, I decided that I will stick with the roses, for starters -- two dozen multicolored roses to cover all angles of love and devotion.

Will also stick with the dinner on the town -- at a five star establishment with all the trimmings and an expensive bottle of wine to savor with each toast down memory lane. The supper club I have in mind overlooks the river and also has a singer pianist, whom I have arranged to play our favorite standards Brazilian love song, "Wave."

Then we will journey home and watch on the big screen TV two of her all time favorite romantic movies, CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF and THE SOUND OF MUSIC.

But I will save the best for last, as I present her with tickets to fly First Class to Maui this summer for our anniversary and more romance and reminiscing in paradise, where we have already collected some terrific memories.

As it is, this coincides with two Maui themed novels I have coming out in the space of four months -- MURDER IN MAUI, my just released Kimani and Nook police procedural and medical mystery eBook, under my alter ego, R. Barri Flowers, and a June release contemporary romance from Kimani, PLEASURE IN HAWAII.

Oh well, guess the writer in me managed to slip into the picture after all. But the end, I believe, will more than justify the means.

Any special Valentine's Day plans for you???

Have a happy one!



  1. My sweety is not a big fan of valentine's day and we don't worry about it. We spent a lot of time together for the weekend before, though.

  2. An interesting article in the NYT this week said that long married couples don't really celebrate VD. I find this to be true.


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