Navigate Novel Spaces

Sunday, December 26, 2010


On my way to my day job, I popped in a Luther Vandross's CD. I love Luther and enjoy his romantic lyrics. His songs are a wonderful muse when I hit a brick wall with my writing. As I drove, I thought back to one of his final interviews. He spoke of his career and how lucky he'd been to find the type of career that he could love. Listening to his music, I considered how fortunate I am to have two careers that I enjoy and how important it is to enjoy your job and have fun along the way.

With 2011 a few days away, I want to say follow your dreams. Make 2011 the year you complete your manuscript and submit it to a literary agent or publisher. It's so easy to sidetracked by real life, stay focused.

Have a safe and fun New Year's Eve and I'll talk to you in 2011.



  1. Side tracks come and go but as long as you generally make your way back to the main road you're still making progress.

  2. Karen, you are lucky indeed. Most people are lucky to find one career they love. Yes, let 2011 be the year for getting back on the main track!

  3. I have found that getting sidetracked by life every now and then is actually the universe's way of broadening my horizons. Great fodder for fiction. 2011 will be the year for corralling some of those new sights into finished manuscripts.


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