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Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Recently, my editor e-mailed me asking for my detailed promotional plan. This was the first time that I received this kind of request. I was surprised to receive this form. the spreadsheet consisted of my arranged book signings, radio and television appearances, and any writing programs that I plan to do once my next book is released. My editor asked for URLs for social networks like Twitter, FaceBook, and MySpace. She suggested I create a book trailer. I've seen book trailers and admired them, but I never felt inclined to create one of my own.

I've talked with several people who either create book trailers or have used them as a marketing tool. I learned that creating book trailers is a big business. But I still need more information and I hope you can help. Here are a few questions that I'd like you to consider and then answer.

1. Do book trailers influence your book buying?
2. Are you swayed by trailers?
3. What do you like to see in a trailer?
4. What catches your eye and holds your attention?
5. Do you go to You-tube to search for trailers or go to the author's website?
6. Do you consider them entertainment and advertisements like movie trailers?
7. Do you expect the characters from the books to look like the people in the trailers?

I'm very curious about what readers are looking for in a trailer. What interest readers and how detailed should the trailer be?

I'd love to hear from you. Let me know what you think about trailers and how they influence your buying? What appeals to you? What turns you off? Click on the link or e-mail me at

Remember, don't be a stranger.



  1. I had a trailer made for my first book.

    As a reader, I don't watch them anymore. Most are amateurish and kinda boring.

    Most people are really time crunched these days. I just don't see them having time to watch them, but that's just me.

    The best one I've ever seen was an author who used her kid's toys to represent the hero, heroine and villain.

  2. I actually dislike book trailers a lot and am only influenced negatively by them. But I'm already a weird reader as is.

  3. When I first published my book, I considered it. But then I realized that I don't even look at book trailers.

    To answer a few of your specific questions, trailers don't influence me to buy, so it doesn't matter what would catch my attention. I've seen a few after reading the book, and the characteres looked nothing like I expected in my imagination. Made me a little disappointed.

    However, if you are going to do one, it should really highlight what your story is about and you should try to find characters who look at least somewhat like your description of the characters in your book (or how about some cartoons?).

  4. I don't go searching for trailers, but when an author mentions they have one, I always watch it. Trailers give you a feel for what the book will be like.

  5. I've done book trailers, or rather had pros do them (precisely for the reason Phyllis mentioned). Don't think they helped with sales, but they were fun to help design. I would create one again unless it's super cheap.

  6. Oops, I *wouldn't* do one again unless it's super cheap. Slip of the fingers

  7. I'd like to thank everyone for their comments. It's interesting to me how book trailers have changed the way authors promote their books.

  8. I'm taking a course on creating book trailers now and blogged about it. Would love for you to come visit me. :) I actually love book trailers but like everything else we do... there's an art to doing them. A bad one can hurt; an exceptional one can help. I don't know that I'd pay big bucks to have one done though.

  9. I made one for the fun of it, but I seldom watch them and they certainly don't impact my decision to buy or not.


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