Navigate Novel Spaces

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Life Changing Experiences

Recently, my brother landed in the ICU at Henry Ford Hospital. He's been in the unit for over a week and I'm really worried about him. One of the nurses caring for him is Cyndi. I've watched her for several days and have found her to be very good and professional. Whenever I'm in my brother's room and she's on duty, Cyndi takes the time to explain what's going on and makes suggestions for ways that my sister and I can help him.

One afternoon Cyndi and I started talking. She confided to me that she'd worked in the corporate world for years before switching careers. Right out of college, she'd went to work with the purchasing department at General Motor. Her life took a dramatic and painful turn when her husband died suddenly at the age of 31.

Cyndi told me that she realized that she wanted more from her life and that selling auto parts to GM just wasn't it. She enrolled in nursing school and now works with critically ill patients in the medical ICU.

I told her about my life changing experience and how I started my writing career after my mother was diagnosed with end-stage lung cancer. I went on about how writing got me through one of the darkest periods in my life. Writing gave me something to hold on to.

When I left the hospital that afternoon, I replayed our conversation in my head. I thought about how important it is to do the things you love. How short life can be and how we can let self-doubt and naysayers destroy our desire to do unique or make us question our talent.

So here's my rant for this week. Don't give up. Whether your passion is writing, photograph or knitting, give it your best. If writing is your goal, don't let anyone or anything stop you. Work hard and learn your craft and I believe you'll get the contract or see your book in print.

You know I'm always interested in what you have to say. So , don't be a stranger. Email me at



  1. It is amazing when strangers in the hospital have a passion for caring. Someone told me once that hospitals are like small cities - it's nice to hear your brother is being taken care of by an engaged community of nurses.

    Thanks for the rant on following your passion!

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I pray that he may make a full recovery. We can indeed find inspiration in places we least expect.

  3. Wishing your brother a speedy recovery, Karen.

    It never hurts to reaffirm the wisdom of following your passion in life.


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