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Friday, February 12, 2010

Keep on writing

This past weekend the Mount Clemens Public Library held its 5th Annual Macomb Book Fair and Writers' Conference. Since its 2006 inception, the book fair has steadily grown. This year's group of aspiring authors impressed me with their willingness to dedicate a large part of their Saturday to learning as much as they could about the craft of writing. Many stayed to the very end to talk with workshop presenters.

It warmed my heart to see the dedication of our patrons. I want aspiring writers to know that it is possible to reach your writing goals. Be flexible, but don't let a rejection letter keep you from continuing to write. There are days when writing seems like a chore. Yet on other days, it's a pleasure. Keep positive, although I understand there will be times when it will seem almost impossible to finish that manuscript. When that happened, read the type of books that you want to write, it helps with the creative process and lets you know what material is being published.

This is my roundabout way of saying, keep at it. Don't give up. Continue to work on your manuscript, short story or novel. You will get the call.

Don't be afraid to ask for help, join critique groups and attend writers' conferences and programs. All that you learn will help you create stronger, tighter, error free manuscripts.

I'd love to hear from you. You can reach me at

Remember, don't be a stranger.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Marion, and great post, Karen! That sounds like a wonderful event. I wonder if there would be interest in something along those lines here in Austin.


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