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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Relationship between Writers & Readers

Shelia M. Goss gained success writing women’s fiction but decided to take a plunge into the young adult market earlier this year with the popular Urban series - The Lip Gloss Chronicles. Shelia welcomes the challenge of writing in multiple genres.

She knows that winning readers is hard no matter what genre. Her guest blog post today talks about the relationship between writers and readers.

The relationship between a writer and a reader can equate to a love affair. First it’s the courting period. Before the first date, the writer must introduce themselves and their book title. The title should be catchy; something easy for the reader to remember. Don’t be shy. Tease the reader with a short synopsis about your book.

If you’re feeling risqué, now would be the time to flirt a little by allowing the reader a sneak peek of the book by offering a chapter excerpt on your website.

Once you get the reader’s attention, put your best foot forward and make sure on one of your dates you show them an eye-appealing book cover for your new book. If you don’t have a book cover yet; don’t fret; the reader is not going to turn you down just because you don’t have the cover yet. In fact, with a catchy title and unique premise, readers will be salivating at the mouth to see you unveil your cover.

While building up a solid relationship with the reader, make sure you keep communication open. Communicate your release dates and where your books will be sold.

Readers, just like lovers, like gifts. Don’t hesitate to offer prizes for purchasing your book. Don’t forget about your faithful mailing list subscribers either. I know it may be hard when you have so many potential lovers, but you must treat each one as if they are special.

Also remember just like you, readers love others; so there’s no need to hate. There’s enough love to go around. Cross-promote with other writers and reach more book lovers. When the “release” date finally arrives, don’t be shy.

After courting the reader, the reader decides if they will take you up on an exclusive relationship for X amount of hours by purchasing and reading your book. When the reader picks up your book, they are expecting to be taken on a journey. Let the journey be enticing and enthralling so that your book lover won’t hesitate to tell their friends about the great love they’ve found in your book. In the book love fest, the more the merrier and the pleasure you’ll get from hearing about a book club selecting your book is immeasurable.

If you build a solid relationship with your readers, they will look forward to your next release. Continue to learn ways to improve your techniques and hopefully with each book release, you will gain more book lovers.

Shelia M Goss is the national best-selling author of six multi-cultural romance books: His Invisible Wife (2009), My Invisible Husband, Roses are thorns, Paige’s Web, Double Platinum and Hollywood Deception (2010) and three young adult books: The Lip Gloss Chronicles series: The Ultimate Test, Splitsville, and Paper Thin (2010). For more information, visit her website: or


  1. Love the analogy, Shelia! Nice to see you here at Novel Spaces!

  2. Good article Sheila! I like your suggestions.

  3. Hi Sheila! Like the analogy!

    Thank you for all the good advice you put out there; I found the best marketing advice all in one place on your website a couple years ago, under the label "Promoting Your Finished Book on a Budget", and shared it on my blog. That link no longer works, but I copied your advice and I try my best to follow it.

    Keep up the good work!

  4. Shelia,

    These are great ideas for seasoned and new writers!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Maxine Thompson
    Author, Hostage of Lies

  5. Great tips. Thanks for sharing your insight Shelia.

    Rhonda McKnight
    Author, Secrets and Lies

  6. Sheila Goss never disappoints. Loved the read. Very informative.


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