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Friday, March 17, 2017

My Life Gone Awry - Missing Out

By Linda Thorne

I miss the groups I’ve had to basically drop out of because of huge changes at my day job.

When I moved to the Nashville area in 2008, I joined the Middle Tennessee Sisters in Crime group. I went to the most recent meeting on March 14th, but it was the first time since last September.
I also joined the Nashville Writers Meetup group in 2008 and was active in attending at least one of their meets every month. The last meeting I attended was in October of 2016.

What happened? Something I’ve been through before in my human resources management career. We were purchased by another company and lots of sudden changes and confusion. This is not what I had in mind for my later years of working. I am torn. I need my day job because everything costs so much, but the demands there are keeping me from writing my series, keeping me away from my author events and networking. I don't see an end to it. I stopped writing short stories some time ago to devote my available time to writing novels. I have the first one in the series done and published, and the second one in rough draft form, but I can't get to it.

Just Another Termination is a traditional mystery with numerous twists and turns. I'd love to publish the next mystery in the series, A Promotion to Die For, then keep going with number 3, 4, and on and on.

I do not know how to resolve this dilemma. When and if I do, I will let you know.



  1. It certainly sounds as if you're rushed. I hope things ease down for you soon on that front.

  2. Hope things calm down at the day job soon Maggie. Sounds very stressful.

    Some years ago I left a job that took every iota of my energy. I now have more time to do the things I want to, but hardly enough money to do most of them. It's a catch-22 situation. However, I would make the same decision if I had to do it all over again.

  3. Thank you Liane. Somehow, my post came down on the wrong day. I'm not supposed to be on until the 17th. This is part of being crazy-busy. I make mistakes too. I just stop by to visit whoever was on here, but now I think I took someone's place.

  4. Actually, I checked it and I had it scheduled for March 17th and that's what it says here, but today is the 14th. Hmmm. Strange. I think most people have had jobs that take every iota of energy, and yes, it is a catch-22 situation. I had a couple of others during my long career.

  5. Not having time to do the things you really want to do is stressful. But, even when a person retires, time seems to slip away too fast. Hang in and do what you can.

  6. I'm still able to go to my Chicago-North Romance Writers of Illinois chapter meetings, but since retiring I haven't gone to any of their conferences, or those for Mystery Writers of America. I enjoy networking with other authors, but can't justify the expenses. Also, since I'm self-publishing, I don't need to meet with an agent or editor to try and land a deal.

    We can only do so much in our situations, and then not fret over it.

  7. Isn't it the pits when life and work get in the way of what we'd like to be doing? I hope things straighten out for you soon, Linda. I've thought about getting a part-time job, but... Not now.

  8. Thank you John, Morgan, and Marja for stopping by too. My best hope is that this long run of overwork lets up in a few months. If it does then I'll get my life back. If I retired now, I wouldn't have the money to do the things I still won't to do like the conventions. But if this keeps up, being able to afford to do these things doesn't help a bit when I don't have the time for them. I am going to my local SinC meeting tonight for the first time since last September. I put 3-13 in this post in error. It's tonight.

  9. Linda, your stress comes through in your writing. Make sure you're taking care of yourself with all the busy-ness, and know that it's okay to take breaks from your writing. But even if you can write 50 words a day on your lunch break, that's something and it keeps those ideas flowing. Thinking of you.

  10. Thanks Amy. I need to work back up to even writing 50 words a day. I did go to my local SinC meeting tonight and realized how much I miss this part of my life. It's a motivation to start working my way back into all of it (including the writing).

  11. Linda, I took early retirement in order to write. I still grapple with time.

  12. Maggie, I know. I hear that a lot and some people even say they accomplished more before they retired. I used to get things done even with the job, but that's back when it was 8 to 5 with an hour lunch. I crossing my fingers those days come back.

  13. I've missed your comments on Buried Under books, too---you always have interesting things to say. I'm saving your place for you till you can get back ;-)

  14. Oh Lelia from Buried Under Books, I miss you too. I actually peek in occasionally but I haven't been commenting. Someone here said they'd worked at a job where they had no iota of time for themselves. That's where I'm at. Thanks for stopping by. I'll be back.


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