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Monday, October 17, 2016

From Bouchercon to Fall Fest

By Linda Thorne

Just finished up today with the Southern Festival of Books in Nashville, Tennessee. Great annual local event, but I'll talk about that next month. As far as the recent Bouchercon in New Orleans, Amy Reade did such a good job covering it last month on her post, I'm only going to mention it in passing.

I do want to invite every one of you to join me when I talk about the convention in its New Orleans setting in more detail on another blogspot, Make Mine Mystery, this coming Thursday.

My next gig after returning from Bouchercon was to share a tent with about eleven other authors at Fall Fest, right here in Hermitage, the little suburb of Nashville, Tennessee where I live

Fall Fest was a weekend (October 1st and 2nd) of spectacular presentations from artisans of all varieties. Art, music, history, craftsmanship. The event was held at the well-known Presidential Site of ex-president, Andrew Jackson, his home and the acres of vintage farm land and structures. It's a must-see for tourists to the Nashville area.

Here I am below with some other local (middle Tennessee) authors. From left to right is Bryce Thunder King, me, Blake Fontenay, Tom Wood, Ken Vanderpool, Dr. Sally Burbank, Jaden (Beth) Terrell, and Nikki Nelson-Hicks. We had a tent and met lots of readers. Many bought our books. 

Here are a few more photos:


Thousands showed up. Local people and folks from all over. I found myself humming a very old Neil Diamond song, "Pack up the babies and grab the old ladies and ev'ryone goes."

Perfect weather. Cool, dry, and lots of fun. I plan to be there again next year representing local authors at Fall Fest at the Hermitage.


  1. Looks like a good turnout and lots of fun!

  2. Yes, Morgan, quite a hoot and we sold a few books. Some sold quite a bit.

  3. I'm so glad you had fun at Fall Fest! It's nice when local authors have an opportunity to gather and talk, and it's great for readers, too. Please remind your FB followers about your post on Thursday at Make Mine Mystery!

  4. Thanks Amy. These events are fun, but after so many one weekend after another, tiring too. The Southern Festival of Books followed this and was three days ending this past Sunday and then back to work the next day. I was invited to another one this upcoming weekend, The Jack Daniels annual barbeque in Lynchburg, TN. 128,000 people showed up for that event last year and I'd love to go, but I needed a weekend at home.

  5. You're right, Linda, these events are fun but we need our time at home. But the fall fest with its setting looks wonderful. Do remind us about MMM. I'm posting there in December.

  6. Thanks Maggie. MMM will be this Thursday and I'll advertise it on FB and Twitter. So much has already been posted about 2016 Bouchercon, I slanted most of the MMM post to where it was located, New Orleans.

  7. This looks like a lot of fun, Linda. I wish there were more events like that where I live.


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