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Friday, July 1, 2016

New Year, New Beginnings

This year is shaping up to be a wonderful one on Novel Spaces. July 1st is a special time for this blog. Between May and June we decide whether we want to continue as a group blog or whether we as individuals want to stay on and contribute or take a sabbatical. Some become emeritus and we welcome new blood.

This year we say a temporary farewell to Liane Spicer who is going on to greater things but will still be involved administratively behind the scenes. We also say goodbye to Dayton Ward and Velda Brotherson. We wish them success with their endeavors. They contributed to the literary industry with their great insights on writing related things and glimpses into their lives as writers. But don’t despair, we have new members ready and waiting to take the mantle and guide the way for new writers.

It is always exciting at this time of year to see what the new members bring. This year we’re adding mystery writer Linda Thorne who will be blogging on the 17th of each month, USA Today Bestselling author Amy Reade who blogs on the 22 of each month, Cozy mystery author and freelance writer Joyce Ann Brown who blogs on the 25th, and celebrated Grenadian author Cindy McKenzie who will be alternating with KeVin on the 19th. Let's welcome our new members with open arms and a reminder to all of us of our commitment to blog each month. Novelspaces is a community of writers who through our blog guides the writing world with our stories, experiences, tips, and of course encouragement.

It is exciting to see what these new members bring to the table, the discussion they will join in when they comment on other members’ blogs, and in general the fresh perspectives and followers to our blog. I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward with great anticipation to this year.

Since this is our 7th year, I propose a toast to NovelSpaces: “May there be no blank spaces on blog days, may our comments be filled with thought provoking discussions, may we continue to have hassle-free, drama-free interactions. Long live Novelspaces!”


  1. Viva Novel Spaces! Hear, hear! Jewel, this is the start of our eighth year. How time flies!

    A warm welcome to the new members, thank you to the outgoing members for your valuable contributions, and also to our loyal readers for sharing your perspectives over the years.

  2. I'm humbled to be part of a group made up of so many talented writers. Thank you for the welcome.

  3. Welcome to Novelspaces Joyce. I'm looking forward to your posts.

    Liane, I erroneously wrote that this is our 7th year when it's actually our 8th. I guess that's how fast time has flown. Where did the years go?

  4. I just raised my wine glass and said hear, hear back. I'm so happy to be part of novel spaces. I don't think I knew about the site in 2009, but I started looking in quite a few years ago when Sunny Frazier recommended this blog. I didn't start off commenting much, but I did find myself taking a look and reading the posts. Thank you.

  5. Welcome Linda. We're happy to have you. Hear Hear!

  6. I'm looking forward to my guest spot later this month.


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