Navigate Novel Spaces

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Universe of Novel Spaces

I’ve been thinking a lot about Novel Spaces, especially since Liane brought up that the site might be threatened by disbandment. Some of us have become lax at meeting deadlines, myself included. They seem to sneak up, don’t they? I know I should work ahead of time and just set the date for publication. It’s not that I’m not disorganized (well, kinda) but often the ideas don’t pop into my head until the deadline looms, usually the night before. On the plus side, the results is  often more topical than generalized. And, many times what I write about is something that’s been like an irritation under my skin that I just gotta scratch in public.

I have a lot of writing obligations and commitments. It seems every day I have a homework assignment, just like high school. I can grumble, but I remind myself that I created this career, I worked hard for it and I have fans. I love that readers respond to my words. I don’t write fluff, definitely not for this blogsite. I wanted to lead where I could. I have ideas for promotion I wanted to test. I wanted to have an impact on the writing life of others, even more so now with my health so iffy.

I don’t have a personal blog, I realized early on how exhausting it would be to keep fresh. But, I never rushed to belong to many group blogs. This is the only one I actively pursued for inclusion. I have been convinced to blog for a friend who runs Buried Under Books, but I don’t post about writerly stuff over there. It’s more of a reader’s site. The fact that I get a high number of hits from my blogs that appear here tells me I’m doing something right. Also, I know how to promote my work here.

I signed with Novel Spaces for one simple reason—I like this group. I like the racial and cultural diversity. I like the people behind the words. I enjoy the variety of topics and level of discussion. Nobody over-intellectualizes. Nobody dominates. I’ve never seen anyone get riled as I’ve seen on other sites. I feel I can be myself and any grammar or typos will be forgiven. I don’t feel judged. I feel embraced. Out of respect for all of you, I try to showcase the best I have to offer.

Blogging may be saturating the Internet but I know there would be an empty space in my life if Novel Spaces disappeared.


  1. Sunny, thank you so much for this post. We are glad you enjoy being a member and the group has been vastly enriched by you contributions. You have been absolutely wonderful, and an inspiration to me. Please rest assured that as long as members want Novel Spaces to continue, it will be here.

  2. Thank you, Sunny, you expressed many of my same sentiments. Sometimes when I wonder what to write about, I leave everything to last minute and feel overwhelmed. But I love this blog and the smooth interactions of the bloggers. Go Novelspaces. I'm ready to take on another year.

  3. Thanks, Sunny. You are very helpful and generous with your fellow writers.

    I'm looking forward to guest blogging on Novelspaces in July.

  4. Thanks, Sunny. You are very helpful and generous with your fellow writers.

    I'm looking forward to guest blogging on Novelspaces in July.

  5. I'm glad you're not leaving. You have had some of the best posts right here. I've enjoyed so many of them. I enjoyed this one.

  6. Sunny, your post is right on point. I agree with every word. Thanks for sharing, as this is why I've remained with the group for so long. There is no drama, just a ton of camaraderie, and I'm honored to have stuck to the commitment and that we've made it a priority, because, it is very important for our writer psyches. Cheers!!

  7. As someone who's still finding his way around here, I really appreciate learning I'm not the only one who waits until the ball is already dropping at Times Square to start thinking about what I'm going to write.

    Sunny, you're a real asset here at Novel Spaces - in part because you're one of the ones who really gets what we're about (and have from day one). This column reflects that.

    Nicely done.

  8. For what it's worth, I do enjoy reading this blog. I may not comment a lot but I do find what people write thoroughly enjoyable. I would definitely be sadden if this blog ceased to be, because to be perfectly honest, a group thing on FB (yeech) doesn't have the same "oomph" as a group blog does. Nor does it have the same "It's my ball, and if you want to play, play my way." nonsense that seems to permeate those groups.

  9. KeVin, thank you for the kudos. I have taken my place here very seriously. Always hoping I bring something to the table and encourage introspection.

    Marissa, the people on this blog fascinate me as I haven't found on other sites. All of you are friends I would choose at any stage of my life.


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