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Monday, June 22, 2015

Happy anniversary, Novel Spaces!

July 1 will mark the 6th anniversary of the Novel Spaces blog, and the beginning of our 7th year.

We're a different kind of writing group. Whereas most author blogs focus on a particular genre, Novel Spaces authors come in every stripe, from romance to historical, sci-fi to horror, literary to erotica, mainstream to fantasy graphic books, young adult to paranormal, crime fiction to poetry, media tie-in games to mystery. Yikes! That pretty much covers every major genre out there. Our writers are as diverse as their output, coming from backgrounds that range from biomedical research to information technology, the military to education, archaeology to law enforcement, health administration to broadcast media, graphic art and more. They are dotted around the planet, from Asia to the Caribbean and the US. So what on earth do we all have in common?

We love books. We love to read good stories, and to write them. We love the creative impulse, the idea that comes screaming through the ether begging: "Write me! Write me!" We love the research, the actual act of writing, of fingers flashing over keyboard or picking hesitantly at keys, of the swash and backwash of words forming into images. We really love words--all those sounds, shapes, and shades of meaning. We agonize over them, chuckle at them, cry over them. And perhaps most importantly, we love interacting with people who understand all of this and who feel the way we do about stories, about books, about writing.

To the 22 wonderful authors, past and present, who have stepped aboard the Novel Spaces ship, we thank you all. We appreciate the unique perspectives you have brought to the group, as well as your discipline and commitment over the years. To the new members waiting in the wings to join us July 1, welcome! We look forward to the new flavors you will bring to Novel Spaces as we embark upon our newest odyssey. And to our guest authors, readers and followers over the years, a heartfelt 'Thank you!' You're a lovely bunch. Never once have we had to deal with unpleasantness on our threads. That is something rare and beautiful.

Happy anniversary to the Novelnaut community! Off we go again.


  1. I much enjoyed my time on Novel Spaces. Happy anniversary!

  2. I love to read, I love to write, and I love Novel Spaces. Honored to be a part of it. Thanks for having me, and thanks for this post Liane!

  3. Lots of great stuff, congratulations on seven years.

  4. Happy anniversary, Novel Spaces. Keep up the excellent work!

  5. Charles, thank you on behalf of the group. You've been wonderful.

  6. You're welcome, Marissa. Thank you for your graciousness and commitment over the years. Here we go again!

  7. Many thanks on behalf of the group, Neil!

  8. Thank you, Nuala! We love having you as our guest!

  9. I'm very honored to be part of this group! I promote it constantly.

  10. Thank you, Sunny. We're honored that you're one of us. :)


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