Navigate Novel Spaces

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I was planning to write my post on a totally different (and of course fascinating) topic, but as I scrolled through the last few posts a sad truth occurred to me. NovelSpacecs features a wide breadth of genres and books written by clearly talented writers, but I have only read the books of a few of my fellow novelnauts.

If I'm the only one in this pickle, I'm going to be really embarrassed. I have a good reason for this, at least it sounds like a good excuse to me. I have not been reading very widely for a long time, as I am usually reading for research and this restricts me to a particular genre. Reading is always fun, but recently I always have a double agenda.

Charity begins at home, so I'm going to make a pledge to read at least one book by each of our bloggers let's say by the end of the year. I hope that those of you, bloggers and followers, who are in the same position as I am consider joining in this pledge.

Sign here .....


  1. I definitely will try to read more of my fellow bloggers books. I have read some, but no nearly enough. I won't make a pledge, but I'll make a promise to myself.

  2. I've read books by only four blog members, two of whom aren't with the group any more. The fourth I read just this weekend. I'm taking that pledge.

  3. There will be a test at the end of the year ;-)


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