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Saturday, December 1, 2012

How Times Have Changed

Only a few short years ago I bought children’s books as Christmas gifts. Last  last year I gave my niece a Nook, and those same nephews V-tech Readers. This is an indication of how things have changed.  I no longer look for books to buy. Instead I look for ways they can load content on the devices they use to read.

The same is true for me as a reader. I was an early cheerleader of that new tech toy called the Kindle back before it was on sale. I saw the first version at a writers conference. It was love at first sight (they had me at “wireless download with no contract”). Yet I’ve never owned a Kindle. It was only last year that I even had a smartphone, much less the Kindle app. I scoffed that I would read books on my phone anyway. Then I gave in to the siren call of Apple at last. Within a week of downloading the Kindle app I was loading up on books and reading like a crazed book junkie.

So it’s Christmas again. I would welcome any suggestions for books that I might gift (Nook please) for a  thirteen year old girl (who is addicted to all things Twilight, sigh), and for content for the V-tech Readers. Please and thank you.  Parents of youngsters, help out us aunts, uncles, godparents, grandparents!  Think of it as your holiday good deed.

Which brings me to us writers. We’re the content creators. Content is king. Great time to be a writer.

What are some great gift ideas for writer and readers? I’d love a service to organize and clean my home office as a gift J


  1. My teenage daughter is a big fan of anything by Sarah Dessen and Meg Cabot. Good stories, sweet and appropriate.

  2. I was quick to embrace the ereader as well, although I don't usually embrace new technology very quickly. I still don't have an I-phone. I haven't even thought of good stuff for Christmas. Need to start thinking about it.

  3. Thanks, Julie. Appreciate the suggestions!

    Yes, Charles, you probably want to get on the Christmas gift thing. Like now maybe? :)

  4. I hear our own Carol Mitchell's Chee Chee series are great and aimed at younger readers. She would have to verify if they are available in V-tech readers format.

    Since my oldest is 9, I'm not too up-to-date on the teen reading yet.

  5. Thanks Jewel. I keep trying to find more stories for at the Vtech site. I'll check out Chee Chee!


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