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Friday, June 1, 2012

Working It

Several months back I alluded to my publishing career plans. So I’ve been busy thinking, collecting ideas and thinking some more. Oh, and networking with fellow authors (which I highly recommend). I began to take the advice I’ve shared in previous posts.
  • I finished the second in a paranormal mystery/thriller series. Between Dusk and Dawn is now on sale. the eBook version contains a promo of the first book in the series, and a jpg of the book cover (front and back matter). I also updated the eBook version of A Darker Shade of Midnight to include promo of Between Dusk and Dawn. I enrolled A Darker Shade of Midnight in the KDP Select program. This was going to be a three book series to start. I’m working on the cover for Only By Moonlight now.
  • I got a lovely surprise, like a bolt out of the blue. Harlequin reverted publishing rights back on my very first novel Night Magic. In this book I first created the fictional small town of Beau Chene, Louisiana, and introduced LaShaun Rousselle, the heroine of the above new paranormal  trilogy. So instead of starting on the next book, Only By Moonlight, I’ve detoured into getting this title done as an eBook and print version with a new cover. I may have a boxed set of four instead of the trilogy I had planned. Quick pivot in a new direction!
  • I had new covers designed for three books already released, including a “boxed set” cover. A Time To Love, One Love, and After All are now part of the Louisiana Love Series. They are priced at $3.99 each, and the boxed set (when I get it finished) will be sold for $9.99). I’ve also changed the contents to include promos of the other books in this first series. Got a second Louisiana Love Series on the way because…
  • HarperCollins sent another nice surprise, rights reversion to three romances I wrote for them (that did very well). So that’s going to be my next Louisiana Love Series (Vol. 2). Once I finish working on Night Magic, I’ll start working to get those books formatted and have new covers designed.
  • I have a new look for my website (see new header above), but I’m still working on updating the entire website. Only so many hands and hours to spare. But with new books covers and series linked by a common theme, I need to change how the book pages will look. I plan on pages for each series instead of “Romance” and “Mystery” pages that I have now.
I’m doing all this because in indie publishing readers love linked books. I was at a loss for a while because I had romances, but now I’m writing mystery. Discussions with my writing pals helped me realize that my backlist romances all have themes of Louisiana culture, family secrets and of course love. Thus the Louisiana Love Series were born.

So now I have a new set of goals, benchmarks and a new strategy that makes more sense than just getting books written or rights reverted and throwing them up.

Speaking of valued writing friends, I lost one last month. Only a couple of weeks ago in fact. My dear friend, romance author Monica Jackson died suddenly due to complications of surgery. Monica had a razor sharp sense of humor, a fiery passion for fighting injustice, and enthusiasm for starting new ventures. If you love super hot & sexy romance, suspense and laugh out loud scenes thrown in, treat yourself to her novels.

Please pray for her teenage daughter, Amethyst, and the rest of her family. I miss our daily e-mails about life and writing more than I can express.


  1. I've got some plans for some linked books viz a viz the indie readers thing.

  2. Great ideas, Lynn, congrats! You are on fire and keeping up with indie publishing. My post on Monday will be able some of my similar pursuits.

    Also, though I didn't get to meet Monica, I so highly respected her and have heard amazing things about her. I will indeed be praying for her daughter. So sorry about your loss!

  3. Hi Charles, the linked books really make a difference I'm told. Too early for me to tell if that applies to my books.

    Thanks for the warm thoughts, Marissa. Monica was a fabulous person and writer.

    As for my indie efforts, I may be getting warmer. Don't know if I'm on fire, but I'm sure fired up!

  4. Prayers!! certainly!!

  5. I remember reading Night Magic when it first came out and enjoying it very much, Lynn. So glad you're reissuing it in digital format!

    I agree with you about linked books being popular, but I have to say I believe they're just as popular in traditional publishing as they are for indie titles; I don't think readers differentiate between the two.

    About Monica, I still get choked up whenever I see her emails to me in my Inbox...but I don't think I can bring myself to delete them. I feel that loss so intently...

    Continued success!

  6. Thanks, Bettye! Continued success to you as well. Keep writing your wonderful stories.

    I, too, get teary-eyed when I start an e-mail to someone with "M" as the first letter, and it auto-populates Monica's name. We wrote to each other so much that she was first on the list. She's missed.

  7. Brilliant, Lynn. Those reversions are certainly good news in the current climate. Best of luck with them!


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