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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Spotlight on the Caribbean Adventure Series

A few weeks ago, Shauna Roberts introduced a new concept at Novel Spaces - the bragging post. I am the second one to take advantage of this. At the time that I signed up, it seemed like a great idea to do it on February 29, an unusual date, one that stands out. As usual, I anticipated that things would happen faster than they actually did and so, right now I can only brag about events to come, but exciting events nonetheless.

Chee Chee goes to West Africa
When I moved to Ghana, many people asked me if I would take my Caribbean Adventure Series to Africa. The series tracks the adventures of three children and a monkey (Chee Chee) who travel through time. I decided not to pursue that route, however, I have successfully explored publishing a West African edition of the series. The publisher and I are still hammering out the details, however, the new books should be off the press in a few months.

New Children's Series
I am often asked how Chee Chee and Mark, the main protagonist in the Caribbean Adventure Series met. So, I wrote five stories. The first few feature Chee Chee and his brothers and the last two describe when Chee Chee and Mark met. The first story can be viewed on YouTube and in a few weeks will be available in print form. I worked once again with my illustrator Ann-Cathrine Loo and she did an amazing job on creating images that younger children will love. We are now working on creating books for the rest of the series. Separately, there is a completely different children series underway.

Words from my fans
Of all of the things that I can boast about, the one that gives me the greatest joy is some feedback that I received from a group of children in Connecticut. A lady visited St. Kitts and picked up my first book, Adventure at Brimstone Hill, at the airport. She read that to her daughter's class at school and then purchased and read the second and third books in the series. I received this email a few weeks ago.

"We finally had the time to read your third book to the class, and they LOVED it! I split the reading up to two days, and they kept asking when I was coming back to finish it. : ) ... They were all captivated by it, I didn't lose one of them during each of the two readings. : )"

I am corresponding with the children, they asked me some questions about the book and the series. I responded and asked them a few questions in return. They are excited about learning about the Caribbean and about writing ... this is why I write!


  1. Wonderful video; delightful story.

    And brava! for your West African series.

    That you have been able to find a new market, and adapt your series to a new world (though I guess it's really the old world in this case), is a testament to both your own savvy and the opportunities every writer can have if she has the gumption to work for them.

    Feel free to brag any time.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks, KeVin, especially for taking the time to view the story.

  4. That sounds so exciting, Carol. I can't wait to get my hands on that new series. I know my daughter would love it.

  5. Congrats, Carol. Haven't watched the vid yet but I will. And glad to hear of your strides.

  6. So much wonderful news! There is nothing quite like feedback from readers who loved your work.

    Beautiful video. I must visit Brimstone some day.

    Congratulations, Carol!

  7. Thanks, ladies. I will keep you posted.


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