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Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's 2012 & I'm Back In Stride Again

Happy New Year!

Well here we are in 2012! Most of us think about the past year and set goals for the coming one. I've only briefly done my "Writer's Wrap-up", but here is how 2011 stacked up for me. 
  • Finished two original indie novels
  • I went from frozen with fear at the thought of indie publishing to putting on my big girl pants and getting it done. Two new mystery books plus four back list romance titles are now on sale (hint -hint)
  • Learned new POVs of traditional publishing that helped me make wiser decisions about what I want in the future
  • Participated in a cooperative promotion effort that had positive results
For the 2012 I will:
  • Finish the second and third novels in my paranormal thriller triology. A Darker Shade of Midnight is now on sale at Amazon , B&N and Smashwords
  • Take part in more cooperative promotions if I can find the right partnters
  • Start the second in my cozy mystery series. Best Enemies is now on sale.
What do I mean by "cooperative promotion"? Two author friends happened to have holiday themed romance novellas that they were getting ready to release as indie titles, eBooks of course. Angela Benson came up with a great idea. She suggested we do a group e-blast promotion through Shades of Romance Magazine (SORMAG). She also suggested we put blurbs and links to each other's titles at the end of our novellas. Monica Jackson threw in with us and we were off! We saw our sales rankings drop on the Wednesdays the e-blasts went out (last three in November). We scheduled those dates to fall in line with readers getting into the holiday spirit and shopping mode with all those eReaders being bought or gifted. Of course we tweeted and did Facebook wall posts. This was 3 holiday romances x 3 authors getting the word out = increased sales.  Fellow authors, I recommend this kind of effort for sure.

As a reader I fought with the writer side of me and made time to read more. I was rewarded with delightful hours that reminded me why I decided to be a writer at eleven years old. So readers, I'm not leaving you out. Here are wonderful books I read in 2011:
  • Kwanzaa Homecoming by Monica Jackson
  • Friend and Lover by Angela Benson
  • The Dead Detective Agency by Peg Herring
  • In Her Name (entire triology) by Michael R. Hicks
  • Cannibal Nights by Kiana Davenport
  • Darkness and the Devil Behind Me by Persia Walker
  • Sweet Liberia, Lessons from the Coal Pot by Susan Peters
  • New Orleans Confidential by O'Neil De Noux
  • Coyote Ugly by Pati Nagle
  • Dark Bayou by Nancy K. Duplechain
  • Sanctuary by Niambi Brown Davis
  • The Hungar Games (still reading) by Suzanne Collins
  • Dying on the Edge by Francine Craft
  • Black Water Rising by Attica Locke
Whoa, that's some list. I hadn't actually looked at it before writing this post. In fact, I believe I've left off a title or two. As you may notice my reading is all over the map: romance, mystery, sci-fi, memoirs, short story collections, literary, cereal boxes, etc.

In 2011 I did something else I'd scoffed at before, read all but the last two books on my IPhone. Yes, I bought a Nook Color for my twelve year old niece, two VTech readers for my five and six year old nephews;  but Aunt Lynn doesn't own a dedicated eReader device. Because I love reading books on my phone. I mean, this thing goes everywhere with me. That means I can whip it out and be into a great book at a moment's notice. Where I used to grind my teeth and mutter cuss words while waiting in lines, at the doctor's office, etc., I'm now serene. Time whizzes by while I catch up on news or even better, read a book.

Have a great 2012 writing and reading!

Lynn Emery
Amazon Store
Nook Books 


  1. makes me want an iphone now. I'm wondering how that reading experiencde would be. Sounds like you are managing it just fine. I always carry a book with me when I'm gonna be in any kind of line.

  2. As a neophyte independent publisher, I'm encouraged by your successes (and strategies), Lynn.
    Funny you should mention the Hunger Games. In the weeks before Christmas a friend of mine recommended the series to me. Shortly thereafter, in a courthouse waiting area, I saw a Marine first sergeant (in blue & tans with service ribbons going back to Somalia) reading Catching Fire. My mother always said three is confirmation, so your mention means I'm going to have to read the series.

    And I may have to get an iPhone. Love my e-reader, but it's a half-inch too wide to fit in my pocket which means I leave it behind too often.

  3. Thanks for the promo tips, Lynn. I'm going to need them.

    You read entire books on your phone? *goggles at the thought*

  4. Hey Charles! I was skeptical about the book on a phone thing, too. But tried it and got hooked (as you can see by the list, and I didn't mention the books on my phone that I'm going to read next). The print is surprisingly easy to see. Seriously!

    Hey KeVin! I'm reading Catching Fire now, finished The Hunger Games last night. All I can say is, "Wow". In Her Name is another trilogy that had me hooked, even got the first book free from the author. Alien warrior women who are spiritual and kick butt? Oh yeah, I was hooked. You mentioned the size of your eReader - just hit me that's the reason I haven't bought one. One more thing in my purse I don't need! LOL

    Hi ya, Liane! As you can see by that list I've got a mini-library in my purse everywhere I go.

    Happy New Year to you guys!

  5. Great strategy for promotion. As for reading on a phone, I use my blackberry torch. However, since I can also write on it, half the time I spend writing or editng my current WIP rather than reading the e-books.

  6. Happy 2012, Jewel!

    I'm stuck to my routine, writing in my home office. I have no desire to write using anything other than my trusty desk top. I hate distractions. I know people who can write anywhere. No can do.


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