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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

That Resolutions Time of Year

Hard to believe we are already counting down the days before the New Year arrives. Why it seems as if only yesterday we were ringing in 2011. Where does the time fly?

This can only mean that it is resolution time again. I had a number of resolutions for this year, such as make my deadlines, write a certain amount each day, pace myself accordingly, and keep the writing world in a proper perspective in keeping in mind what is truly important in life, such as good health and love of family. I also vowed to exercise regularly and no longer use the writing as an excuse not to.

Happily, I kept all of my 2011 resolutions and am the better for it.

Now, with 2012 right around the corner, my resolutions for the New Year begin with those from this year in terms of maintaining a dependable and workable writing daily writing schedule, not missing a single deadline, and doing my part to ensure good health while taking enough time to smell the roses in life and spending as much quality time with my wife and family as possible in keeping my priorities in order.

Along with these resolutions, I also want to continue to please my fans with great fiction and nonfiction; and spread my writing wings, so to speak, by adding more screenplays to my repertoire, having already written one currently being read by two producers.

Lastly, I am resolved to taking my wife to Maui, our home away from home, this year, where everything is beautiful , including the weather. Maybe while enjoying the leisure, sand, sun, and ocean, I can look ahead on resolutions for 2012...

What are your resolutions for the New Year? Did you have any for this year? Did you achieve them?

Happy New Year!

Devon Vaughn Archer


  1. For the past few years I've not made any specific resolutions. I'd say I've suggested to myself some "guidelines." Haven't figured those out for this coming year.

  2. 1. publish ten short stories
    2. finish third mystery novel in Henry Grave series
    3. effectively market 'American Caliphate' (March 2012)
    4. convert mummy horror blog into book
    5. don't yell at children

    William Doonan

  3. The only writing related resolution that I make every year is to get something commercially published, which is what I suceeded in doing this year.

    Thus once again the resolution is to get something commercially published, with the minor addition of finding a publisher for my novel.


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