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Friday, December 9, 2011

Technology and me

When it comes to technology, I consider myself to be in the middle of the pack: savvy enough to know what’s out there but not enthusiastic enough to run out and get it. I believe technology should serve a practical purpose and so I never acquire something because it’s the hot item out there. I just never see the point of having a desktop, a laptop, an IPAD, an IPod a Nook and a Kindle all at the same time.

So two years ago when Verizon Fios gave us a voucher for a Netbook, I looked around and evaluated the technology that I already had. Both my husband and I had laptops and we both had desktops. The problem though, our desktop computers were outdated running on Windows 98 operating systems. Those platforms couldn’t even support most of the new programs. Oh yes, I thought a Netbook would be great for portability, but I had a fully functioning Dell Latitude laptop. So I decided what we needed was a new desktop, especially as my kid was now learning computers in school. So instead of the Netbook that I had drooled over before, I got a desktop computer.

It was great. Sleek, fast, just what I needed to give my writing a boost. There was one drawback: I wrote best in my bed late at night. So of course, after the novelty wore off, I was back to using my trusted old Dell Latitude laptop.

Fast forward two years. My wonderful laptop has all but given up on me. It is eight years old. The initial battery died a year ago. My back up battery died six months ago. I was still determined to use it. Of course I had to have it plugged in at all times. The problem with that is the minute it became unplugged, I lost all my work. Plus it took a full twenty minutes to booth up. Finally, as if things couldn’t get worst, the keys began to drop out one by one (thank goodness I’m a touch typist).

I decided it was time for a technology update. I wanted something for my writing. I wanted something portable that was small enough to fit in a pocketbook. I wanted something with a Windows platform. I also wanted an e-reader. My daughter who’s been harassing me for an IPAD for the longest time hounded me to get an IPAD or a tablet. I thought the tablets were cool and very portable, and they worked well as universal e-readers. But they were not as practical for what I do on a computer as I’d like.

Then I discovered the Dell Inspiron Duo. It’s a tablet. It’s a laptop. It has the portability and touch screen of a tablet, the size of a (slightly larger) e-reader. Most importantly, it’s a fully functioning laptop/notebook. After much deliberation, I purchased it. I love it. I can lug it around anywhere without having to lug a heavy computer bag. It supports everything I use my laptop for. It can even be used as a phone if you so desire (not that I’ll ever use it that way). Most of all it’s given my writing (and reading) a shot in the arm. So forget the Kindle, the Nook, the IPAD, and the laptop. I’ve got my Dell Inspiron Duo.

What about you…how do you go about acquiring new technology?


  1. I tend to be relatively laggardly on acquiring new technology. I got a Kindle fairly early and that was about the first time I've ever been ahead of the curve. I still don't have an I-phone.

  2. I don't have an I-phone either, but then I never really desired one. I do have a Blackberry Torch because I thought it was practical for what I needed. I guess my choices are influenced by the fact that I am not much of a gamer.

  3. I'm no "early adopter" myself. I let others beta test the latest devices with great cool factor. About the time I hear talk of the kinks having been worked out in all those irksome glitches, I start seriously thinking about buying one. That's what I did with the IPhone. I was quite immune to lure. I've had one for a year (re-furbished 3G). About 30 minutes after I got it, I heard Etta James singing "At Last" LOL

  4. Lol Lynn. I'm sure by the time you got on that technology there was a new one (or several) out. It seems every few seconds there is a new version of the same technology, especially if that technology has just been reduced to the affordable range.

    That is one of the reasons why I am not too keen on jumping on the latest technology bandwagon. That and the fact that there are always bugs in the system that need to be sorted out.

  5. I'm like you, Jewel; I upgrade only when it's absolutely necessary. I might be dazzled by new technology as it comes along but don't ever feel the need to run out and acquire it.

    You're tempting me with that Duo now, though. I'm happy with my 13" laptop that's not two years old yet, but you would not believe how heavy it can get in a big old laptop tote with a few books when one has to walk from one end of a campus to another some days (because one is too impatient to wait for shuttles and one needs the exercise anyway). I'm not yet in the market for a tablet (I tell myself the laptop adds weights to my workout) but I'm getting there.

  6. That Dou looks tempting. I have an ancient Dell Vostro -- a bare-bones working computer. Target market was companies with small budgets that needed mobile computing for their minions. When the company I was with went under a few years ago, all of us minions got to keep ours. It's slow and heavy, but it works. My wife and our two older kids have Lenovo Think Pads and love them. Our youngest has the top of the line Dell mandated by William & Mary.
    I know I want something faster, more powerful, and more reliable, but I don't know enough about tech to know what I should have. (And really can't justify getting anything new budget-wise.)
    Going to visit the Dell site and check out Duos now anyway.


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