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Monday, September 12, 2011

Ten Years Later

As I sit here in my office, I cannot help but think about how much has changed over the past decade since 9/11; as well as how much remains the same.

On 9/9/01, I flew out of Detroit with my wife after attending a writer conference and visiting family. Just a routine flight, easy access to the airport, and life seemed merry with so much to look forward to.

Two days later, all hell broke loose and life as we know it in the United States changed forever.

Now when I fly, the routine is quite different than it was then. The shoes come off automatically as I pass through security, pat downs and hard stares now come with the territory, and images of planes plowing into skyscrapers never quite go away.

Like most people, I thought that the 9/11 attack was only the beginning of regular terrorist attacks on our soil, much like experienced in some other countries. But strong counterterrorism measures by law enforcement has managed to keep us safe, thus far, to go about our daily lives.

As with those who lived through Pearl Harbor attack, 9/11 will remain forever etched in our minds. Along with a sense of vulnerability that makes one want to appreciate and live each and every day to the fullest.

Over the last ten years life has pretty much drifted back to normal for a very busy writer as I contemplate deadlines, new projects, promotion, the changing literary landscape, and finding time to smell the roses.

After the shattering of our collective calm and sense of security a decade ago, I wouldn't have it any other way. As that old adage goes: "The only thing to fear is fear itself."

How wonderful that we have not allowed fear to keep us from living our lives and making the most of.

Terrorism can never take away the true spirit of America and the freedoms we take for granted. We will not allow it.

What are your thoughts ten years later? Or better yet, looking ahead to the next ten years?

Now back to a typical day in the life of a novelist...


  1. I hope for a better understanding of diversity and difference in the next decade, an end to violence, and a way of solving differences without resorting to invasion by foreign trrops. Naive but I can dream...


  2. I haven't flown much since that time. I will be flying this coming summer and am not really looking forward to doing so. But I reckon I'll manage.

  3. I think in the next ten years, 911 will be a faint memory that would mean more to our generation than those under 20yrs old.

    Nickelodean aired a show a few days ago about the events of 9-11 that I watched with my 8 yr old. At the end of the show I was astounded by how unaware she was about the events. I, like many of our generation, just assumed that with it being so prevalent in the media, that she knew about it. That was not the case.

    I won't be surprised that in ten years time a thirteen year old would look at a documentary and wonder what was the big deal.

    My daughter is so accustomed to the extra security at airports that it does not phase her at all. It's all she knows. It is now the norm. It's those of us who have a before and after 911 frame of reference who would really be phased by the intense security (or lack there of in some cases).

  4. My illusion of personal safety was shot before 911; that tragedy just reinforced the issue.

    Yesterday I was astounded to find out that a place I visit has no security personnel on the upper floors at night and no camera surveillance. I found that very disquieting whereas 10 years ago it would never have entered my head to enquire about such a thing.

  5. It leaves me feeling somber about the whole thing. I pray for world-wide tolerance, but that will be a day in Heaven, won't it?


    Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?

    YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!

  6. Nice post, Devon. I'm intrigued by the idea of a typical day in the life of a novelist. As I sit here working on mystery novel number three, I'm still not sure what a typical day is or should be. In my heart, it means I sit down and write a thousand perfect words. But I'm learning that it might be better for me to write a couple of hundred perfect words and then spend two hours trying to figure out how to market my books.

    William Doonan


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