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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Book Club Salute!

I just want to give a well-deserved shout out to all of the book clubs of the world! You are the heartbeat of an author's purpose and energy. You, as readers, who love books and much as we love to write them, are so very important to us.

I find that most book club members have loved reading since they were very young. Some are professional, very well educated, have families and young children, look forward to their meetings with pride, and all share a passion for reading, finding that book clubs bring them the camaraderie, friendship, and enjoyment that they deeply cherish in their lives. They often become extended family members to one another. Some could be reviewers they read so much, and some are even writers themselves.

I never really thought about what it takes to start and maintain a book club until I began writing. I'd always enjoyed reading but never considered joining a club. But I now know that for book club members, being part of a group of people with a common bond is priceless. Whether the meeting is at a fellow member's home, at a restaurant over a meal, or someplace else, it is a coming together of sisterhood and/or brotherhood that is memorable and purposeful.

Book club members will pick a book of the month and each purchase the titles, and they meet to discuss the book, sometimes giving their thumbs up and sometimes a thumbs down, yet and still, they come together and give open and honest feedback, (sometimes deeply heated, some tearful, some hilarious) and then they also tell others about the books they've read. We as authors know this all adds to the "word of mouth" momentum that is so very important. Some read a book in one day. Wow! Most members have bookshelves at home (even if they also read ebooks), some have had rooms built just for their books, and most are careful not to fray a page or scuff a cover, trying to keep their prized possessions in as new a state as possible - all for the love of it. (and most won't lend their books even if you paid them)

Book clubs will invite authors to join them in person or via conference call (or Skype), plan themed events around a book, and plan large events of their own, honoring books and authors and readers, giving away awards and prizes.

So, this post is a salute to you, the book club members - thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Without you, the readers, there would obviously be no writers. And though you often give us the glory for entertaining you with our words, we give you the glory for supporting us with your time and money.

I could shout out many clubs by name, (some of my good friends I've met while attending book club meetings) but I'll simply say to you all, "You are appreciated!"

If you have any special book club moments, please share. :)

Thank you!


  1. I'll be speaking to a book club group in a few weeks. I'm looking forward to it. Although I read a lot I've never joined a book club, mainly because my reading is so eccentric I'm generally reading stuff other folks around me aren't interested in.

  2. I've been a member of an online book club, but I'd love to belong to one where the members actually meet somewhere and make an occasion of it.

    I join you in saluting the book clubs of the world!


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