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Monday, April 4, 2011

A New Digital Experience - Social Reading A Chapter At A Time

I'm thrilled that today, 4/4, is my day to post on Novel Spaces, because it's perfect timing in terms of announcing the launch of a groundbreaking, innovation site that introduces readers to a whole new world of interactive, digital reading. It's called A Chapter A, an idea conceived by bestselling author Victoria Christopher Murray.

The site goes live TODAY at 12-noon, EST, so log on to and experience the brand new community of sixteen top-selling authors, with more authors to be added soon, as well as my 6/1/11 contribution called Turnabout Is Fair Play.

The length of the authors's works will vary - one author is doing short-stories based on hip-hop songs, so each month, she will have a different story. Two authors are doing the first "soap operas" on paper...serials that will not end - and there will be everything in-between.

Each month, you can purchase any chapter from any author for .99 cents. Now, we're calling it "a chapter," but trust, these are not short chapters that are in full-length books. These chapters are far more extensive. We promise you, you will get more than your money's worth. There will be "Preferred Readers" packages where you will receive "benefits for membership." For example, if you purchase 5 authors for $4.95 per month, you will have a certain level of access to the authors. If you purchase 10 authors for $9.99 per month, you will have another level of access, plus be entered into a quarterly contest where winners will receive anything from gift cards, to e-readers...and maybe even a visit from an author.

Log on to for more information.

As writers, this type of innovative, digital social reading option could be revolutionary. We're all seeking new ways to reach more readers and gain greater exposure for our works. I ask each of you to support Victoria's new venture, and spread the word about A Chapter A - all authors, all the time!


  1. Sounds like a good idea. I hope it works out well. I'll check it out.

  2. Intriguing, Marissa. This is what I consider thinking outside the box. Will check it out.

  3. Sounds interesting. Beautiful new marketing strategy in a new age of technology. Wish I'd thought of that.


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