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Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Hard to believe truly that we have come to the end of yet another year. Seems like only 365 days or so ago I was saying the same thing.

Makes you wonder about the very early years of civilization when there were no years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, or seconds. The people then just lived from moment to moment with no boundaries to guide their every move. Imagine that. Yet I suspect they managed just fine till the time came to start and finish days, week, months, years, decades, and centuries.

That as it may, things are as they are in modern times and that means having to say goodbye to another year, for better or worse. I have always found this crossover from one year to the next a bit intimidating, for while you can lock in the year past as one for the history books, there are no guarantees of what the next year may have in store. Will I be around to help usher in 2012? Will any of us? Can I use this year's wisdom to make the smart moves next year? Or will I have not learned anything meaningful?

I am sure others may not share my feelings here, but I am really going to miss 2010. For sure, there were some things I'd just as soon forget. Or wish had never happened. Second for second, minute to minute, hour to hour, day by day, week to week, and month to month, though, it was a good year with lots of memories I will long hang onto.

There was that terrific victory by the Saints to win the Super Bowl that seemed to be a victory for the nation itself, alongside New Orleans.

It wasn't quite as exciting to see the Giants of San Francisco win the World Series, but was happy nonetheless for that great city, having once lived within shouting distance.

Seeing Julie Andrews and the entire cast of my all time favorite musical, The Sound of Music, on Oprah, was quite a thrill. Looking at them, it hardly seemed that 45 years had passed since the movie came out and had us all singing, "Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun..."

I had several novels come out in 2010, including my first young adult coming of age tale, HER TEEN DREAM, and mainstream suspense, THE SECRETS OF PARADISE BAY.
But what I will miss most about this year is that it was another year for personal growth and professional achievement.

I can only hope that 2011 offers as much to look forward to and well beyond.

What will you miss most about 2010?

Any memories that stand out?


  1. 2010 was a year of a few large-scale bad memories, and an endless stream of small-scale good ones. All in all, it wasn't a bad year, but I've had better. As a writer, I finally reached a new height for me. I actually finished three short stories. That's huge, as I am the king of unfinished writing projects. Now to polish them up and see if I can get one or more of them (and some new ones too) published in 2011!

  2. Some that I don't like thinking about but can't forget. 2010 was a strange year for me and I will be doing a post about it on my own blog in th enext couple of days.

  3. I agree that not knowing if the new year has anything unpleasant lying in the wings is a bit intimidating.

    All in all, 2010 was a good year for me although there were no major achievements. My fitness program is going guns after many years of half-hearted attempts to make it part of my daily routine. Now that it is I enjoy it so much!

    I've done some writing, crossed an impressive (for me) number of items off my annual to-do list, and am well and happy, as are the people I love. What more can anyone ask of a year? Everything else is gravy.


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