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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Celebrating Another First

Novel Spaces is a group blog, so I try to stay away from shameless self-promotion as much as I can. But when my debut novel with a brand new publisher is being released on the same day I’m required to post, I just have to talk about it. Today is all about celebrating the release of HUDDLE WITH ME TONIGHT, the first novel in my New York Sabers football series with Kimani Romance.

I’ve experienced several first in this decade or so since I first decided to pursue writing: typing “The End” when I finished my very first novel, receiving my first rejection letter, selling my first book, reading my first review. They were all a reason to celebrate—yes, even that rejection letter. All of those experiences marked a significant stop along this journey that continues every day I step up to the computer and choose to write. But today’s stop is extra special as it marks the first book with my dream publisher.

Harlequin is synonymous with romance novels. My dear aunt Lois, who encouraged my love of reading, had a collection of Harlequin romances that rivaled any I’ve ever seen at a local library. As I celebrate this major milestone in my writing career today, I think about how she must be smiling down on me and beaming with pride that her niece is officially a Harlequin romance author.

HUDDLE WITH ME TONIGHT is available in stores and online, in both print and eFormat. I hope you give my New York Sabers a try! However, because this is a celebration, I'm going to give an autographed copy of the book to one lucky commenter!

And if you have even more time to kill, hop on over to my fellow Austin RWA member, Army Captain Jessica Scott's blog where I talk a bit about how I came up with the idea for my Sabers series and share a short excerpt from the novel. I'm also giving away a copy of HUDDLE WITH ME TONIGHT at Jessica's blog, so leave a comment there to double your chances!


  1. Oh congratulations, Farrah! That's HUGE news. Go out and celebrate!!

  2. Congratulations, Farrah! I've already downloaded my copy of Huddle, can hardly wait to read it!

  3. Congratulations Farrah! That series sound reall interesting (and that book looks steamy judging from the cover). Here's wishing you through the roof sales and bestseller status.

  4. Congratulations, Farrah! Very exciting news. Unfortunately, once the book cover came up, I could not read any more of the post. I was just a little distracted. I will definitely pick up a copy.

  5. Hot cover - much to be proud of, sis! Congrats ==))

  6. Thanks all! I had a fabulous release day! One book signing down, two more to go.

    Marissa, you are the lucky winner. Congrats! Send me your snail mail info and I'll have your book in the mail soon!


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