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Thursday, February 11, 2010

When God gives you snow...

This week I received a bulletin from a church I formerly attended with an article entitled “When God gives you snow, make snow cones…” As you would expect it was about making the best of a situation in light of the snow with which we’ve been inundated on the East Coast.

For this winter season we in Maryland have been buried in snow. In addition to the 18 inches or so we got the Saturday before Christmas we got 6 inches last Tuesday/Wednesday, a whopping 30 inches last weekend with blizzard like conditions. We’re being blasted with another 20 or so inches this Tuesday into Wednesday. And as fate would have it, they are predicting more on Sunday. Yes we are literally buried in snow. Schools have been closed. Many roads are impassable. Several times the snow plows got stuck right in front of my house. At first it was exciting. People skied, sledded on all kinds of things including mattresses. Some even went snow kayaking. But now the excitement has dissipated and it is just a nuisance. This Tuesday was the first time since last Friday that I left my house, and it was messy. It was already beginning to snow … the second round of our winter wallop. Every street had mountains of snow piled up on the sides. We could hardly get out of our neighborhood as the side streets were not properly cleared. Cabin fever has set in. In fact, my first grader was so bored she begged me to teach her multiplication. Sledding and snowball fights have lost their appeal to her. And of course with blizzard like conditions, high winds, and white out and tremendous snow drifts, outdoor play is not even an option. There is actually such a thing as too much snow.

So what do I do to make snow cones with this snow? I bought a foam bowling set and converted my dining room into a mini bowling alley. We now enjoy pajama bowling. We play board games and dress up. But the real snow cone I’ve made is the progress on my WIP. I have been writing, and writing and writing. I’ve written more in the past few snow bound days than I had in my twelve weeks of maternity leave. And I am making real progress.

So when God gives you snow, write. And well, you can make some snow cones too.


  1. It's beautiful! Maybe if it snowed here in the Caribbean I'd get more writing done? :)

  2. Then where would we go to escape the snow?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You also now have some beautiful pictures to choose from for several years' worth of Christmas cards.

    LOL about your son wanting to learn multiplication.

  5. You're on to something there, Shauna. I could save quite a lot on those Christmas cards. hmmm....

  6. Snow is so beautiful...until it starts to knock out power lines. :) Writers have no excuse not to continue writing, though. Even if you can't fire up a computer, you can still use pen and paper.

    Hope you all thaw out soon, Jewel.


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