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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Butt In Chair and In Office

If I had to pick a favorite television show right now, it would have to be Supernanny. I’m not sure why. Neither is my husband, who takes one look at those little demons… eh, I mean darlings throwing tantrums in high-definition and immediately leaves the room.

In nearly every episode, our British heroine has to show beleaguered parents how to convince their children to sleep in their own beds. When the kids get out of bed, Supernanny patiently hauls them right back – over and over again. Even if it takes all night.

I can totally relate to those tots.

After spending nearly all of my writing life working at the kitchen table of our apartments, I finally live in a house and have an office of my own. But just like the kids on Supernanny, I can’t seem to stay in it. Somehow I drift, along with all of my writing junk, right back into the kitchen.

Since there’s no Supernanny for writers to drag me back to my office, my goal this year is to entice myself to stay in it. I’m going to make it so darn cool, I wouldn’t dream of writing anywhere else in the house.

My first step was to find a comfortable chair. After plopping my fat fanny in every chair in Office Max, I finally decided on this one:

It feels good enough to work in, yet not good enough to nap in. Yes, I’m still camping out in the kitchen, but not as much. This is very much a work-in-progress so we’ll see how it goes…


  1. Love the chair! Looks very modern and cool. You won't be able to resist sitting in it--even if just for cool points.

  2. LOL - oooo, comfy - looks like that's gonna do the trick. :-))) That'll make a butt wanna sit down for real!!

  3. Nice chair! I could use one like that.

    I've noticed that my muse, aka PITA, seems to prefer imperfect situations. The more I spruce up the accoutrements, the harder it is to settle back into the groove. I love getting new computers, setting up a desk in a writing nook in my bedroom, and so on, but each time I make an 'improvement' PITA gets all upset and takes off.

    The old dining chair I'm sitting on right now is shaky and uncomfortable. I think she likes that.

  4. I need Supernanny to come make me do some writing. I have a bad case of the "i-don't-wanna" and it seems like everything and anything is more compelling, more interesting and more worthy of my attention than the current WIP. ;-) Supernanny might have her work cut out for her with me though. I'm a brat!

  5. Oh, that is a pretty comfortable looking chair, if asking. I have to believe that chair will be more influence for you to write from your office.


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