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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Published Authors

When my first novel was published, I attended the annual Romance Writers of America (RWA) conference and found myself swept away by all of the events involving published authors. I went to a meet and greet where I met Suzanne Brockmann who was very generous with her time. She asked about my novel and was very attentive while I explained the intricate details of my story. I felt like a real author.

During the conference I made a connection with one of the booksellers from Chicago. We agreed on a date when I would be at her store and as she walked away, Darlene called over her shoulder, "I'm almost finished with your book. I'll have the review up tomorrow."

What review? Who told her she could review my book? And where would the review be shown?

I was shocked by the amount of people who had my writing career in their hands. When I look back on my first release, I realized that I didn't know jack. I didn't understand any of the process that went along with writing and being a published author.

Today, things would be different, I've learned a great deal over the last seven years. What kind of experience did you have with your first novel? How was the process easier or more difficult? E-mail me and let me know what you encountered.

I'd love to hear from you. Remember, don't be a stranger.



  1. I know nothing about publishing despite having four books and a few dozen stories out. All of my published writing to date has been for book packagers (or book producers). I have never looked for an agent, negotiated rights, or been reviewed by someone other than a fan or a gaming magazine. As I look into marketing my original fiction, I'm discovering most of what I "know" is wrong.

  2. This is one occupation where you learn 'on the job', so to speak. I've learnt a heck of a lot on the road to publishing that first novel, and in the year since, yet I'm constantly reminded of how much I still don't know.


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