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Friday, November 6, 2009


I really enjoy doing station-radio (as rare as it can be to get booked), as well as online radio, particularly BlogTalkRadio. For me, it feels like I'm actually talking on the phone with old friends. Someone asked if there was any benefit in doing Internet radio and whether or not anyone really listens. While I know that in some cases there may or may not be a large amount of people in the chat room or folks calling in, the benefit of BlogTalkRadio in particular is the unique ability to download the shows and listen to it after the live taping. Some shows can average tens of thousands of downloads per week and higher. That's a lot of listeners. Not only can the host's opinions and ideas be heard, but the guests can discuss topics that relate to their works or brands, or they can contribute to discussions and interact with callers. BlogTalkRadio is a great way to get information to listeners.

To have any choice as far as mass media is key in any business, and a definite necessity when it comes to keeping the promotional doors open. There are commercial advertising opportunities as well. The thing is to appreciate being booked, and thankful for the fact that the listening audience cares to check out the show in the first place. Have you been a guest on a BlogTalkRadio show lately? If so, did you notice a difference in sales or in reader interest through a social network, guestbook or email contact?

1 comment:

  1. Marissa, I called in to your last radio show and listened for awhile. You guys seemed to be having a lot of fun! There was talk about a prize cruise (I think) at the time.

    I didn't stay on very long because I was calling long distance (of course) and wasn't sure how much it was costing me. But I heard enough to be very much intrigued.


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