Navigate Novel Spaces

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Space Of My Own

Earlier this year, I read a post on fellow Novel Spaces blogger Stefanie Worth’s blog I found totally inspiring.

She'd carved out a neat, well-organized home writing space that quite frankly made me ashamed of the hellhole I call an office.

While her dictionary was at her fingertips, mine was on the floor underneath a Sephora box crammed with new make-up. Her computer was front and center on the desk. I had to push aside stacks of fashion magazines and romance novels to even sit my laptop on mine.

After revisiting Stefanie’s post a few times, I got busy decluttering (as moving everything out that wasn’t writing related) and organizing my own space.

Voila! My new and improved office.

And yes, it has remained in the same pristine condition you see here.

How, you wonder? Because I stay the heck out of it. Below is my kitchen table, which I haven’t eaten on in weeks:

Hey, at least my office is clean!

How do you keep your writing space organized????


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Phyllis, LOL, that's a great post, and a good-looking office - very organized, congrats. The kitchen table looks like mine - I swear that's my coffee mug and reading glasses :-) Hilarious!

  3. LOL. That was quite a funny post. How do I keep my writing space organized? I don't have one. I use my laptop and write on my bed (if you saw the pix in my post on giving birth to a novel, that was my computer on my bed). I also write (believe it or not) in the bathroom when I'm doing know what. It works for me. Thank goodness laptops can go anywhere.

  4. Marissa, LOL! How did you know they were readers!?!? Sounds like I can sit down at your kitchen table and feel right at home.

    Jewel, I've tried writing on the bed. It ends with me asleep and the laptop on the floor. Hmmm... the bathroom. I'm going to have to try that one. Or even better my dh's bathroom (where I'm only allowed to deliver fresh towels and get out!). He has stereo in there!

  5. Phyllis, my office is shared with my three year old daughter. It's half office and playroom. So it's not surprising to find blocks or legos scattered on my side of the room. I've tried to separate the space by making my half a no-toys-zone, and so far that works if I pick up toys every night! Loved your post. Very funny.

  6. LOL, Phyllis! My writing space is a desk next to my bed. The only way to keep it organized is to not use it, like you do (not). I have a great alternative, though, which is to pile the clutter (books, papers, bills, receipts, lists, etc.) on to the bed. Works like a charm.

  7. So funny, Phyllis. Very nice office, but the table looks more like my office.

    I just went to IKEA to get some things to organize. My office was a mess. Still is, actually, but it's a little better.

  8. Phyllis, you are too funny! Me, an inspiration? The ha-ha would be among friends and family who know that office is the only shiny spot in my whole house. lol

    Maybe it's because I have kids and my non-writing life is so freaking hectic. That office is truly my sanctuary. And you better believe my kids know that space is off limits to them! (Hmmm...should I try that with the rest of the house?)

    So, yeah, my kitchen table looks like yours except that we move stacks of mail, report cards, teachers notes and magazines to clear just enough space to eat every day. Hey, gotta do whatcha gotta do, right?


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