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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Release Day Lessons

Holiday Brides was officially released on Tuesday. I've had a blast promoting this latest release of mine: e-newsletters, ads, guest blogs and interviews comprise the usual suspects of getting the word out about an upcoming title. I do love the fun. Co-authored with Jewel Amethyst and Farrah Rochon, the anthology contains my novella,, a story about a couple and the guardian angels in their lives.

Though this is my third title, its release marks the first time I've
had the privilege of juggling a new release with a work-in-progress. This evening I had to stop and ask myself how established authors do this. (Note: I still consider myself a new author). We so often feel that our promotion selves compete with our creative selves and I have to say I feel it especially so this week. There are those who would say, "What a wonderful dilemma to have." True. And I'm certainly not complaining. Just learning.

If there's anything I've learned so far in my journey as an author, it's that I can't afford to stop absorbing knowledge. This week the lesson will be on balance. Next week it might be on pacing as I wade through the maze of my WIP's middle chapters. I will take notes, I will remember, I will share. And in no time flat, I'll be facing another release day.

For this moment though, I'm pleased to pause and reflect on the blessing of this book. I invite you all to delve into the seasonal magic of Holiday Brides. Farrah and Jewel's stories are contemporary romance while is paranormal. Each of us offers a happily ever after.

In honor of the occasion, I'll be giving away a signed copy of the book to one person who comments on today's blog about the most important things you've learned in life. In the words of Mark Twain: "If you hold a cat by the tail, you learn things you cannot learn any other way."


You're also invited to join me as I travel the blogosphere over the next several weeks talking about Click here for a list of sites and dates.


  1. If you chase two rabbits at the same time, both will get away. For me that involves focusing on one thing and mastering it. I'm challenged daily by friends, family, and business associates to 'try something new.' As a home based business owner, that's just not what God is telling me to do. So, for me to take the advice of my friends, family and associates would be to go against God and to chase two rabbits and come up empty handed. Good luck with your book, I know it will do well.

  2. Good luck with your book, my lesson of late has been to not do a thing unless my heart is in it...otherwise it is wasted time...

  3. Stefanie, our life lessons mimic each other at this point in time. This past week I geared myself up for the book release (getting out the newsletter, writing up the blog, etc), and the next proposal for the second book in my contract. Then this past weekend I was hit with revisions that are due in two weeks. Being able to juggle and prioritize is something I'm still trying to work on.

    I have no idea how established authors are able to pull it off. But I'll learn. :)

  4. I've always remembered that life, no matter what happens, its always worth it. Whatever happened, how you reacted, the fight you put was worth it. I mean, if it wasn't, you wouldn't have done it...right?
    My point is, life has taught me that we have choices that must be made on a day-to-day basis, and how we decide to react to either the situation of the outcome is completely within our control. Next lesson, Acceptable Accountability.

  5. A HUGE congrats on your release, girls!!

    One thing I've learned in this life is to "do unto others . . ." You know, the golden rule?

    The other thing I've learned is that not every one else follows this rule.

    A painful lesson to be sure.

  6. Congratulations on your new release! The 'Nauts are making strides indeed!

    That balance you mention continues to elude me. I call it my eternal wip.

    What have I learned? Other writers have said it all so well I'll quote one of them: "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." - Douglas Adams

  7. Wow! Thanks for sharing the knowledge. I'm sensing a theme of "keep living and you'll keep learning" here. Love it!

    Thanks to each of you for stopping by to comment. I promised a book to one of you and, by random drawing, it goes to (drum roll please):

    Christian Reed!

    Congrats and enjoy the stories.

    (Looking for more chances to win a signed copy of Holiday Brides? Follow by HeavenSent blog tour. Sites and dates are posted on my web site at And visit my site for a big contest announcement this week that includes my backlist and a wonderful grand prize memento!)


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